Why Am I Sweating so Much in My Sleep? Possible Causes and Conditions


Sweating in your sleep, or “night sweats” as it’s commonly referred to, affects a lot more people than you may think.

If you’re one of those who have been suffering from what’s medically referred to as sleep hyperhidrosis, you’re not alone!

However, just like with most medical conditions, there are a variety of reasons as to why you could be suffering from night sweats. If you’re ready to wake up refreshed after enjoying a good night’s sleep, this article can help you through some of the finer details of the condition.

First and foremost, let’s help you figure out:

Why are you sweating so much in your sleep?

As we mentioned, there are many reasons as to why you’re sweating in your sleep. In this article, we’re going to go over a few different causes of night sweats and help list some possible strategies to help you deal with them—or eliminate them altogether.

There is a chance your night sweats are caused by an underlying medical condition. If you suspect any of the below, we advise you to see a doctor and get medical advice on the situation.

  1. You could be going through menopause. This notorious time characterized by hormone imbalance and hot flashes can also transition into the night. However, the imbalance of hormones is not specifically limited to menopause— and as such can also affect men. An imbalance of hormones could be the cause of your night sweats through a wide variety of hormonal issues like low levels of testosterone, hyperthyroidism or even carcinoid syndrome.
  1. Your stress and anxiety levels are through the roof. Not uncommon with sleepers of all ages, an excess amount of stress and anxiety can lead to physical symptoms like an increase in sweat—especially at night.
  1. You’re taking medication that has a night sweating side effect. Certain prescription medications may affect your sleeping routine. Especially if the medication is newly administered, you might have an easier time tracing it back as the culprit of your night sweats. The guilty medications can be as common as over the counter pain relievers to hormone therapy medications, or even steroids.
  1. You are suffering from a serious medical issue like an infection. Generally, infection leads to fever. Fever can lead to night sweats. If your body is recovering from an infection—no matter how big or small—you might notice an increase in symptoms like chills, fever, aching of muscles or body pain, fatigue or a lack of appetite. These symptoms, paired with night sweats can often mean your body is recovering from an infection and you should seek medical attention.
  1. You are suffering from a sleep condition. An obstructive sleep issue can lead to night sweats. It’s actually one of the symptoms of sleep apnea-where your body involuntarily stops breathing while you sleep. We also don’t want to rule out some more serious problems, like neurological disorders such as a stroke that leads to dizziness, numbing, trembling and loss of appetite as well, or even GERD, which is typically also accompanied by chest pain, heartburn and breathing difficulties. Chances are, you don’t suffer from these,  but if none of the conventional reasons applies to you, seek a medical opinion.

What to Do?

If you’ve just about had it with night sweats and have seen a doctor to rule out possible medical conditions, you might come to find out that there are other ways (instead of medication) to help alleviate the excessive heat during the night.

Here are a few practical pieces of advice to help you overcome your night sweats.

  1. Invest in a mattress with cool gel technology. Whether you’re changing out your entire mattress for a cool gel mattress or simply buying a new mattress topper, this innovative technology can make a world of difference when it comes to keeping you cool throughout the night.
  2. Open a window or invest in a bedside fan. There’s nothing wrong with going the practical route and simply making the room cooler.
  3. Invest in breathable bedding: Natural wool or moisture-wicking sheets which have breathability, can help reduce the temperature of the actual bed itself and keep you cool throughout the night.
  4. Cool down your body temperature by drinking cold water before bed. Not only does this help keep you hydrated (and flush down any bedtime medication) throughout the night, but it can help you bring down your body temp before hitting the hay.
  5. Avoid sweat-triggering activities like exercise right before bed. Not only can working out contribute to night sweats, so can eating spicy food, drinking alcohol or even smoking a cigarette. These are all body-warming activities, which makes it hard for your body to cool off before you go to sleep.

We hope this article has helped you find out some practical possible reasons as to why you have been sweating so much during the night.



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